Lymph node invasion by Conidiobolus coronatus and its spore formation in vivo.

Lymph node invasion with presence of conidia, their replicates, germ tubes, condidia with hair-like projections and hyphae have been observed in a case of entomophthoromycosis caused by Conidiobolus coronatus. This rare occurrence of conidia with hair-like projections that is usually observed in vitro, has been observed in vivo, in the content of an abscess produced by this agent, C. coronatus in the present case. Severe disfigurement and destruction of facial and nasopharyngeal tissues, have also been observed in this case. Response to therapy with oral KI, surgery, combinations of trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole and steroids though found useful initially, was ineffective subsequently as the disease progressed over 7 years. Findings of lymphatic invasion and the extensive destruction observed in the present case warrants a guarded prognosis. Free conidial reproduction found in lymph nodes may suggest the possibility of this disease being infectious, requiring an active and vigorous treatment schedule and control measures in this infection.

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