Piezoelectric Polymer Actuators for Active Vibration Isolation in Space Applications

Abstract A lightweight actuator for active vibration isolation in space applications is being developed to replace the heavy electromagnetic systems now in use. The actuator has a low effective spring constant that provides for passive vibration damping down to sub-Hertz frequencies while allowing the isolated experiment to follow the near-dc bias motion of the spacecraft. The actuator is currently optimized for the vibration level of the Space Shuttle and assembled from a pair of bimorphs in a leaf-spring configuration. Changing the size and number of sheets used in construction can vary electromechanical properties. Passive damping has been demonstrated in one and two-dimensional tests. For large (greater than a few kilograms) suspended masses, the system is underdamped and relative velocity feedback must be used to remove the resonance. Real-time control of the resonance frequency is achieved by controlling the voltage applied to the actuator with feedback from a displacement sensor. A folded pendulum ...