Lion (Panthera leo) home ranges and livestock conflicts in Waza National Park, Cameroon

An isolated population of approximately 50 lions (Panthera leo L.) in Waza National Park, Cameroon, caused considerable damage to livestock. Home range sizes of five collared lions were assessed, the mean was very large: 630 km2. The lions differed in their stock raiding behaviour, with two male habitual problem animals, one female nonproblem animal and two female seasonal problem animals that left the Park in the wet season. Together, they were inferred to kill over 100 heads of cattle annually. Resume Une population isolee d'environ 50 lions (Panthera leo L.) dans le parc national de Waza au Cameroun a provoque des degâts considerables au betail. Nous avons evalue la taille des domaines vitaux de cinq lions suivis par colliers radio-emetteurs, dont la moyenne śaverait tres grande a 630km2. Les lions montrerent des comportements differents lors du pillage du betail, avec deux males difficiles habituels, une femelle non difficile et deux femelles difficiles saisonnieres qui quitterent le parc pendant la saison des pluies. Au total, on estime que les cinq lions tuent plus de 100 betails chaque annee.