The terminology and notation used in this paper have been introduced in the following papers: [10], [5], [2], [3], [1], [12], [9], [4], [6], [11], [8], and [7]. For simplicity we adopt the following rules: X, Y will denote sets, C will denote a non-empty set, c will denote an element of C, V will denote a real normed space, f , f1, f2, f3 will denote partial functions from C to the carrier of V , and r, p will denote real numbers. We now define several new functors. Let us consider C, V , f1, f2. The functor f1 + f2 yielding a partial function from C to the carrier of V is defined as follows: (Def.1) dom(f1+f2) = dom f1∩dom f2 and for every c such that c ∈ dom(f1+ f2) holds (f1 + f2)(c) = f1(c) + f2(c). The functor f1 − f2 yields a partial function from C to the carrier of V and is defined as follows: (Def.2) dom(f1−f2) = dom f1∩dom f2 and for every c such that c ∈ dom(f1− f2) holds (f1 − f2)(c) = f1(c)− f2(c). Let us consider C, and let us consider V , and let f1 be a partial function from C to , and let us consider f2. The functor f1 f2 yielding a partial function from C to the carrier of V is defined by: (Def.3) dom(f1 f2) = dom f1 ∩ dom f2 and for every c such that c ∈ dom(f1 f2) holds (f1 f2)(c) = f1(c) · f2(c). Let us consider C, V , f , r. The functor r f yielding a partial function from C to the carrier of V is defined as follows: (Def.4) dom(r f) = dom f and for every c such that c ∈ dom(r f) holds (r f)(c) = r · f(c).
Wojciech A. Trybulec.
Pigeon Hole Principle
Edmund Woronowicz.
Relations Defined on Sets
Wojciech A. Trybulec.
Vectors in Real Linear Space
Yuji Sakai,et al.
Properties of Partial Functions from a Domain to the Set of Real Numbers
Czeslaw Bylinski,et al.
Basic Functions and Operations on Functions
Jan Popio,et al.
Real Normed Space
G. Bancerek,et al.
Ordinal Numbers
A. Trybulec.
Tarski Grothendieck Set Theory