Design and Implementation of Bellman, RIP and ZRP Routing Protocols of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET)

A collection of mobile nodes with dynamic topology has been termed as Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Interest in these networks is because of their ability of not requiring any prior investment in fixed infrastructure. This paper analyses and compares the performance of networks for Bellman ford, RIP, and ZRP for various parameters like;-Throughput (bits/sec.), Average End-End Delay (sec.), Average Jitter (Seconds) and ACK Packet Sent. A no. of routing protocols reported in various literatures for Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETS) have been primarily designed and analysed under the assumption of CBR, which is not able to capture the statistical characteristics of the actual traffic. In order to fulfil the objective a comparative analysis between these three protocols has to be carried out in the simulated environment created in the Qualnet Simulator comprising of 70 mobile nodes based on the different parameters and examining their values on the time scenarios.