Authentic Query Dissemination and Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Dependable Distributed Systems, University of Mannheim System Model Only energy efficient security operations In-network processing / data aggregation Uses an aggregation function f(...) = agg Reduces communication, saves energy Strong attacker model Reprogram nodes, read-out memory (i.e., keys) Adversary gains physical access to at most β% of all nodes (node compromise) Possible attacks (1) Inject own queries to the network (2) Fake aggregation results Idea: Trade-off Security and Energy Probabilistic authenticity Messages authentic with predefined probability Configurable probability (parameters) Authenticity with higher probability requires more energy Contributions AQF guarantees authenticity of queries with a predefined probability P1 ESAWN guarantees authenticity of aggregates with a predefined probability P2 Only symmetric cryptography used Trade-off probabilistic authenticity and energy usage