절화유통구조 실태조사를 통한 공영도매시장 활성화 방안 연구

The major distribution channel for cut flowers inKorea is based on consignment wholesale throughtraditional markets. This distribution method results anunfair trade and difficulty in demand-supply balance for alarge amount of flowers. Moreover, the lack of standardgrading system results in decrease in high quality flowerproduction. Although the public wholesale markets wereestablished by the government, the problems still remainunresolved because the function and role of the publicmarkets for cut flowers have not yet been settledcompletely. In present study, a comprehensive survey ofthe domestic flower markets was carried out to evaluatethe current status with the objective to enhance thefunctionality of the public wholesale markets. The surveywas conducted among over 100 dealers in the publicwholesale market and consignment wholesale markets.The finding from our study indicated that the scale-up, thefacility expansion and the modernization of the publicwholesale market are the essential requirement for therevitalization of the flower market. In addition, the specificgrading standard is required to improve the quality of cutflowers in the flower markets. In recent years, import of cutflowers have been growing gradually to meet consumerdemand. In order to reduce the negative impact by theinflux of imported cut flowers on domestic flower markets,the flower auction should be a central marketplace forbuying and selling all cut flowers including imported cutflowers. Moreover, the price setting on the basis of flowerquality is prerequisite for fair-trade. By improving theproblems in the distribution system, it is expected that the public wholesale market play a leading role in thedistribution system for cut flowers, and thereby fair-trade,customer satisfaction, right and interest of growers andsupply-demand control will be improved.