Discovering rule-based learning systems for the purpose of music analysis
Music analysis and processing aim to understand the information retrieved from music (Music Information Retrieval). For the purpose of music data mining, machine learning (ML) methods or statistical approaches are often employed. Their primary task is to recognize the musical instrument sounds, the music genre, the emotion contained in music, the identification of audio, the assessment of audio content, and so on. In terms of computational approach, music databases contain imprecise, vague, and indiscernible data objects. Moreover, most of the machine learning algorithm outcomes are given as a black-box result. Also, underfitting or overfitting may occur, meaning that either the model description is not complex enough or the test set is too small or not sufficiently representative. Thus, the goal is to generalize the model. To overcome some of these problems, rule-based systems may be used, e.g., based on rough set theory that shows the outcome in the form of rules interconnecting the features retrieved from music. A potential of the rough set-based approach, a rule-based classifier, was shown in the context of music genre recognition. The results were analyzed in terms of the recognition rate and computation time efficiency.