A new product anti‐counterfeiting blockchain using a truly decentralized dynamic consensus protocol

The growth of counterfeit goods has plagued the international community for decades. Nowadays, the battle against counterfeiting remains a significant challenge. Most of the current anti‐counterfeiting systems are centralized. Motivated by the evolution of blockchain technology, we propose (Block‐Supply), a decentralized anti‐counterfeiting supply chain that exploits NFC and blockchain technologies. This paper also proposes a new truly decentralized consensus protocol that, unlike most of the existing protocols, does not require PoW and randomly employs a different set of different size of validators each time a new block is proposed. Our protocol utilizes a game theoretical model to analyze the risk likelihood of the block's proposing nodes. This risk likelihood is used to determine the number of validators involved in the consensus process. Additionally, the game model enforces the honest consensus nodes' behavior by rewarding honest players and penalizing dishonest ones. Our protocol utilizes a novel, decentralized, dynamic mapping between the nodes that participate in the consensus process. This mapping ensures that the interaction between these nodes is executed anonymously and blindly. This way of mapping withstands many attacks that require knowing the identities of the participating nodes in advance, such as DDoS, Bribery, and Eclipse attacks.

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