인터넷방송과 차세대 e-learning(m-learning, t-learning, u-learning)
This research discussed the potential of the Internet Broadcasting (Webcasting) as a strong educational and communicative tool which can accomplish the Intelligent customized learning and emotional experiential learning in u-learning for modern learners who are accustomed to visual information, at the same time maintaining such characteristics of broadcasting media as the masses, interest and speedy.
This research investigated the Internet Broadcasting which has appeared as the circulation of mass motion picture information becomes possible with the development of telecommunication, and explored its educational application in comparison with the Internet Educational Broadcasting. Also, this research inquired the next generation e-learning (m-learning, t-learning, u-learning) which can be realized with various types of human-friendly information terminal devices developed as a result of the advancement in IT and wire and wireless network technologies including broadband. And finally, this research discussed the methods for vitalizing u-learning, which is the ultimate goal of the next generation e-learning through the Internet Broadcasting, and its application effects in economic and social aspects.