Smart Cities

This chapter provides an overview of modeling techniques for large-scale systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment with a special accent on smart self-sustainable cities. The authors present a framework for modeling Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (LSMASs) including a graphical modeling language, and a tool, that aim to facilitate development of such systems in a recursive fashion. Smart self-sustainable cities in this chapter are modeled using this language that forms the basis for the Smart Self-Sustainable Human Settlements (SSSHS) framework developed by the authors. The SSSHS framework consists of several sustainability mechanisms which attempt to facilitate the self-sustainability of a human settlement by managing resources such as water, electricity, and heating, based on the current needs, production, and storage using a detailed agent-based methodology. By integrating these two frameworks (LSMAS and SSSHS), the authors show a recursive and layered approach that is able to model large-scale resource management systems in a hierarchical manner by using IoT technologies.

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