Evaluation-Based Design Principles

The chapter describes a game-based prototype for distance teaching and independent training of medical procedures and generalizes the results for other application domains. In this project, the Microsoft Kinect system is used to observe experts conducting medical procedures. These observations are converted into a master model. Afterwards, students are observed conducting the same procedures. Their activities are compared with the master model and the evaluation is presented to the trainer. Several conceptual and computational challenges had to be overcome to make these ideas executable. The experiences in design and development of a prototype used to teach and evaluate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) are generalized leading towards evaluation-based design principles that focus on the use of master and student models and how to use them to evaluate processes in general. The methods are furthermore motivated by showing their foundations in Kirkpatrick’s model. The focus of this chapter lies on presenting the lessons learned and to generalize the principles applied to support research in related domains to overcome similar challenges.