Elimination of Cerenkov interference in a fibre-optic-coupled radiation dosemeter.

An optical fibre point dosemeter based on the gated detection of the luminescence from a Cu(1+)-doped fused quartz detector effectively eliminated errors due to Cerenkov radiation and native fibre fluorescence. The gated optical fibre dosemeter overcomes serious problems faced by scintillation and optically stimulated luminescence approaches to optical fibre point dosimetry. The dosemeter was tested using an external beam radiotherapy machine that provided pulses of 6 MV X rays. Gated detection was used to discriminate the signal collected during the radiation pulses, which included contributions from Cerenkov radiation and native fibre fluorescence, from the signal collected between the radiation pulses, which contained only the long-lived luminescence from the Cu(1+)-doped fused quartz detector. Gated detection of the luminescence provided accurate, real-time dose measurements that were linear with absorbed dose, independent of dose rate and that were accurate for all field sizes studied.