Model-based software component testing

Software component testing (SCT) is a proven software engineering approach to evaluating, improving and demonstrating component reliability and quality for producing trusted software components, which is critical to support the success of component-based software engineering. Model-based testing (MBT) of software components enables the utilisation of a consistent model-based approach and specification (e.g. UML models) for effective component development and testing. However, advancing from model-based development to MBT poses certain crucial challenging problems that remain unresolved and hamper the utilisation of SCT/MBT, and further research is thus required to address those problems to achieve the goal of desirable SCT/MBT effectiveness. This thesis has comprehensively reviewed the important concepts, principles, characteristics and techniques of SCT/MBT in the literature to provide a solid foundation for this research and introduced a set of useful new concepts and definitions to form the first major part of the thesis’s original contributions as follows: 1. In the research areas of software components and software component testing: (a) A new comprehensive taxonomy of software component characteristics (b) A new software component definition (c) A new definition of software component testing (d) A useful taxonomy of software component testing techniques (e) A practical taxonomy of component testability improvement approaches 2. In the research areas of model-based testing and UML-based testing: (a) A study of model-based tests (b) A new definition of model-based testing (c) A new test model definition (d) A new definition of UML-based testing (e) A core UML subset for SCT (f) A study and review of use case driven testing and scenario-based testing The principal original contribution of this thesis is to introduce a novel hybrid SCT methodology, called Model-Based Software Component Testing (MBSCT), which consists of five major methodological components, a three-phase testing framework, six main methodological features and six core testing capabilities. In more detail: (1) The Model-Based Integrated SCT process incorporates software component

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