Measurement of Period Length and Skew Angle Patterns of Textile Cutting Pieces Based on Faster R-CNN

The skew angle and period length of the multi-period pattern are two critical parameters for evaluating the quality of textile cutting pieces. In this paper, a new measurement method of the skew angle and period length is proposed based on Faster region convolutional neural network (R-CNN). First, a dataset containing approximately 5000 unique pattern images was established and annotated in the format of PASCAL VOC 2007. Second, the Faster R-CNN model was used to detect the pattern to determine the approximate location of the pattern (the position of the whole pattern). Third, precise position of the pattern (geometric center points of pattern) are processed based on the approximate position results using the automatic threshold segmentation method. Finally, the four-neighbor method was used to fill the missing center points to obtain a complete center point map, and the skew angle and period length can be measured by the detected center points. The experimental results show that the mean average position (mAP) of the pattern detection reached 84%, the average error of the proposed algorithm was less than 5% compared with the error of the manual measurement.

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