Source Information Estimation Using Enemy's Single-Ping and Underwater Geographic Information in Non-Cooperative Bistatic Sonar

The bistatic sonar operations using a spatially-separated source and receiver are classified into cooperative and non-cooperative operations. In the cooperative operation, an active signal of a friendly ship is used and the source information is known previously. In the non-cooperative operation, an active signal of the enemy is used and it is difficult to find out the source information. The source information consists of the range, speed, course and frequency of the source. It gives advantage to operating bistatic sonar. This paper suggests a method of estimating the source information with geographic information in the sea and the single-ping of the enemy. The source range is given using one geographic point. And the source speed, course and the frequency of the enemy's source signal are given using two geographic points. Finally, the validity of the scheme is confirmed through a simulation study.