Azcarate, P. de. League of Nations and National Minorities: An Experiment. Washington, D. C , Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1945. 209 p. Ball, Margaret. The Problem of Inter-American Organization. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univ. Press, 1944. 117 p. Bourquin, Maurice. Vers une Nouvelle Socicti des Nations. Neuchatel, Suisse: Editions de la. Baconniere, 1945. p. 282. Annexes. Table Analytique. Brodie, Bernard, ed. The Absolute Weapon. New York, Harcourt, 1946. 214 p. (Members of the Staff of Yale's Institute of International Studies are contributors and include Arnold Wolfers, Percy E. Corbett, Wm. T. R. Fox and Frederick S. Dunn.) Dean, Vera Micheles. The Four Cornerstones of Peace. New York, McGraw Hill, 1946. 267 p. Fischer, G. Les Rapports entre VOrganisation Internationale du Travail et la Cour Permanenle de Justice Internationale. Paris, Pedone, 1946. 388 p. Janowsky, Oscar I. Nationalities and National Minorities. New York, Macmillan, 1945. 232 p. Ledermann, Laszl6. Les Precurseurs de VOrganisation Internationale. Neuchatel, Suisse, Editions de la Baconniere, 1945. 178 p. Loewenstein, Karl. Political Reconstruction. New York, Macmillan, 1946. 498 p. Mance, Sir Osborne. Frontiers, Peace Treaties, and International Organization. New York, Oxford University Press, 1946. 196 p. (Final volume in Chatham House series "Studies on International Transport and Communications," London, The Royal Institute of International Affairs.) Masters, Ruth D. Handbook of International Organizations in the A mericas. Washington, D. C , Carnegie Endowment for International Poace, 1945. 453 p. Morgenthau, Hans T., ed. Peace, Security and the United Nations. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1946. 133 p. Pastuhov, Vladimir D. A Guide to the Practice of International Conferences. Washing,ton, D. C , Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1945. 275 p. Ranshofen-Wertheimer, Egon F. The International Secretariat. Washington, D. C , Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1945. 500 p. Rider, Fremont. The Great Dilemma of World Organization. New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1946. 85 p. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. United Nations Documents 1941-1946. London and New York, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1946. 271 p. Schnapper, M. B., ed. United Nations Agreements. Washington, American Council on Public Affairs, 1944. 376 p. The United Nations in the Making: Basic Documents. Boston, World Peace Foundation, 1946. 136 p. Yepes, J. M. Philosophic du Panamericanisme et Organisation de la Paix. Neuchatel, Suisse, Editions de la Baconniere, 1945. 348 p.
H. Truman.
Message from the President of the United States
H. L. Stimson.
The Nuremberg Trial: Landmark in Law
J. C. Cooper.
The Bermuda Plan: World Pattern for Air Transport
R. Jackson,et al.
The Case against the Nazi War Criminals
H. Catudal.
Procedure for Accepting the Optional Clause of the Statute of the International Court of Justice
American Journal of International Law.
Clyde Eagleton.
The Jurisdiction of the Security Council over Disputes
American Journal of International Law.
J. C. Cooper.
Air Power and the Coming Peace Treaties
W. Laves,et al.
The First Meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations
American Journal of International Law.
Stephen Latchford.
Pending Projects of the International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts
Majid Khadduri.
Towards an Arab Union: The League of Arab States
American Political Science Review.
Agreement Concerning the Establishment of an European Central Inland Transport Organization
American Journal of International Law.