An approach to earned value analysis (EVA): an application to a practical case

Nowadays, consumers are becoming more and more demanding about the quality of the service that are offered to them. To meet these demands, companies do great efforts to offer a high and consistent level for their services. Such an objective can only be achieved if companies have internal capabilities to be, not only effective in delivering what is expected from them, but also efficient in the way their service is performed. It is intended with this work to implement EVA to a specific project using EVA as a methodology.The main conclusion is that EVA allows a more effective control of the development of projects. It can also be add that good planning and a well-defined organisation of projects are crucial for the quality of the information produced by EVA. It can also be said that EVA must be supported by a very strong method on cost data collecting. On the other hand, EVA has a very strong temporal limitation because it doesn’t take into account the critical path of the project. Therefore, EVA must always be followed by a Gant graph. These conclusions are supported and commentated during this work.