Modularized mirror fusion reactor concept with emphasis on fabricability, assembly, and disassembly
This paper is a progress report on a continuing study directed toward the development of mirror reactor designs which simultaneously satisfy the various engineering, economic, and maintenance considera tions. Two new blanket and coi l structure designs are presented which satisfy engineering requirements equally as well as previous designs while offering substantial gains in accessibil ity for maintenance. Because of the commercial requirement for a high duty cycle and the possible high frequency of blanket module rpmoval—for either maintenance or replacement—the module removal must be accomplished quickly with a minimum disruption of reactor operations. The blanket and coil structure * Work performed under the auspices of the United States Energy Research & Development Administration. designs presented in this paper allow the removal of any one of the identical blanket modules without disturbing either the remaining modules or the coil and its associated support structure. With fabricated coll structure costs estimated at $2.50/lbm and the reactor net electrical power calculated from a plasma and reactor system model detailed in the paper, coil and support structure costs of between 100-200 $/kwe were estimated. Revision 1 A MODULARIZED MIRROR FUSION REACTOR CONCEP1 WITH EMPHASIS ON FABRICABILITY, ASSEMBLY, AND DISASSEMBLY M. A. Peterson, R. W. Werner M. A. Hoffman and G. A. Carlson Lawrence Llvermore Laboratory