A decentralized multidistrict optimization framework for system-wide pavement maintenance resource allocation

Abstract Historically, pavement maintenance funds have been allocated based on a centralized programme development process. Such practice, though seemingly convenient, does not lead to optimal allocation of funds since districts generally have different priorities based on the state of development and condition of their respective road networks. This paper proposes a decentralized two-phased optimization framework for pavement maintenance fund allocation considering multiple objectives and cross-district trade-off at the network level. In the proposed two-phased analysis approach, Phase-I focuses on establishing the needs and funds requirements of individual districts given multiple performance targets or objectives, while a system-wide fund appropriation strategy is selected, in Phase-II, given budget and equity constraints across competing districts. The proposed approach is illustrated using a numerical example problem for appropriating funds to three districts. The results indicated that the proposed approach is not only able to evaluate the extent to which various performance targets are achieved at the central and district level, but also maintains equity in distribution of financial resources across districts.