Studies on the Effect of N-fertilization and Weed Control Techniques on Weed Suppression, Yield and Nutrients Uptake in Sesame (Sesamum indicum)

A field experiment was carried out at Agra during rainy (kharif) seasons of 1995 and 1996 to assess the effect of nitrogen levels and different weed control techniques to Sesamum indicum on weed density, seed yield, nutrients depletion by weeds and net returns. Sixty kg N ha−1 registered highest yield (979 kg ha−1) and net returns (Rs. 10327 hd) in addition to higher N uptake by crop and N depletion by weeds. However, higher levels of N could not influence P and K removal by weeds significantly. Among different herbicidal treatments, application of fluchloralin at pre-planting @ 1.0 kg ha−1; followed by one manual weeding at 3 WAS gave maximum seed yield (756 kg ha−1) and net return (Rs. 9600 ha−1). Weed killing efficiency (39.81). seed yield response (kg of seed/kg N) and N uptake by crop were highest and NPK depletion by weeds was least with this treatment. Chemical weeds control was easier, time saving and less expensive as compared to manual weeding.