Resistance Is Not Futile, nil desperandum [Editorial]

esistance is futile” is a catchphrase that has become synonymous with the adoption of new technologies [1]. The idea was popularized with its use in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, where the “Borg,” a cybernetically enhanced humanoid drone, has a role to play in forcing other species into a collective to connect to the “hive mind” [3]. The Borg’s singular goal is the consumption of technology, not wealth or political power. If we track back to the origins of the phrase “resistance is futile” in science fiction film, we can find variants such as “resistance is useless”, and “your struggles are futile.” The exact phrase “resistance is futile” was first used in Space: 1999 (1978), and later in an episode of Doctor Who’s “The Cybermen” (1983). In the written form, refer to Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979) and his radio series (1978), and more importantly Arthur J. Burks’s (1930) spectacular short story Monsters of Moyen [5].