Macro-Environmental Policy: Principles and Design

Part 1 General introduction: introduction to macro-environmental policy a reader's guide. Part 2 Framework - a general framework for analysis: introduction to the general framework models for policy instruments - systems and interfaces the material interface between society and environment - aggregating individual interferences the symbolic interface between government and society - instrument mechanisms conclusions on the general framework. Part 3 Principles - principles and strategy for policy design: introduction to principles and strategy principle-guided choice principles for environmental policy instruments design strategy - the flexible response conclusions on principles and strategy. Part 4 Instrument design - detailed design of macro instruments: introduction to two macro instruments standard methodology for life cycle analysis substance flow analysis and substance deposit conclusions on the detailed design of macro instruments. Part 5 Cases - application of the flexible response strategy in four cases: introduction to the cases the use of LCA in marketing - milk packaging regulating substances - the case of cadmium regulating substances - the case of nitrogen and phosphorus energy depletion and global warming appendices - environmental taxes on energy, options, long-term production possibilities for energy, flows of carbon through the economy, conclusions on the cases. Part 6 Summary and conclusions: macro instruments and macro policy design what has been produced applications broader applicability prospects for macro-environmental policy.