We examined the effects of a cardioselective beta-blocking drug on exercise-induced regional myocardial ischemia in 10 conscious dogs with chronic coronary artery stenosis. An ameroid constrictor, Doppler flowprobe, and hydraulic cuff were placed around the left circumflex coronary artery, and left ventricular pressure (LVP), systolic wall thickening (% delta WT; by sonomicrometry), and myocardial blood flow (MBF; microspheres) were measured during control standing, control treadmill exercise, and identical exercise after atenolol (1 mg/kg po). Prior to study, in every dog % delta WT and MBF in the ischemic area were normal at rest, indicating collateral development. During control exercise, % delta WT in the ischemic region markedly decreased from 27 to 4%, and transmural ischemia was evident in that region. Heart rate, systolic LVP, and LV (+)dP/dt were significantly lower during exercise after atenolol than during control exercise. % delta WT in the normal area was only 81% of that during control exercise, but dysfunction in the ischemic area was improved (77% increase compared with control exercise). Accompanying the improved function was a significant increase of MBF/beat and relative MBF in the ischemic zone; the endocardial-to-epicardial ratio increased from 0.27 to 0.47. Thus atenolol improved regional MBF distribution, thereby diminishing exercise-induced regional myocardial dysfunction and accelerating its recovery.