Bistable Buckled Beam: Modelling and Piezoelectric Actuation

Bistable structures, such as buckled beams, are characterized by a two-well potential. Their nonlinear properties are currently exploited in actuators to produce relatively high displacements and forces with low actuation energies. We investigate the use of distributed multiparameter actuation to control the buckling and postbuckling behaviour of a three-layer piezoelectric beam pinned at either end. A two-parameter bending actuation controls the transversal motion, whilst an axial actuation modulates the tangent bending stiffness. The postbuckling behaviour is studied by reducing to a 2 dof system a nonlinear extensible elastica model. When the bending actuation is spatially symmetric, the postbuckling phenomena are characterized by a snapthrough instability. The use of a two-parameter actuation opens new transition scenarios, where it is possible to get quasi-static transitions between the two equilibria of the buckled beam, without any instability phenomenon.

[1]  G. G. Stokes "J." , 1890, The New Yale Book of Quotations.