Wavelengths and transition probabilities for atoms and atomic ions

Abstract : Wavelengths for about 47,000 spectral lines of atoms and atomic ions, as well as transition probabilities A for about 5000 lines, are tabulated. The data were selected in such a way as to include the prominent lines over a wide spectral region. Part I contains wavelengths of lines of neutral through quadruply ionized atoms in the range 40 to 40,000 A. This information is presented in two different ways: (1)separate line lists grouped according to chemical element and further subdivided according to stage of ionization; and (2) a general table of wavelengths ordered numerically, with relative intensity, chemical element, and stage of ionization indicated for each line. Part II contains transition probability data for atoms in various stages of ionization, with emphasis on the neutral and singly ionized species. This table is arranged according to the chemical element and is further subdivided according to stage of ionization. Estimates of the accuracies of the A-values are provided. Wavelengths, energy levels, and statistical weights serve to identify the lines and to provide useful data for plasma spectroscopy applications. (Author)