Utility of Shared Versus Isolated Work Setting for Dynamic Team Decision-Making

Abstract : The utility of shared versus isolated operator and display setting was examined in the context of a complex, dynamic, team decision-making task. Both alphanumeric and graphic display formats were utilized as well as moderate and fast information presentation rates. Performance scores were significantly higher, and subjective workload ratings were significantly lower for the graphic display and moderate information rate conditions. No differences were found for shared versus isolated operator/display settings except in the combined worst case condition of alphanumeric format and fast information rate, where a slight advantage was found for the shared operator/display setting. An exploratory analysis of group verbal and nonverbal communication behavior was also conducted. Isolated operator/display settings tended to produce more verbal activity and less gesturing than shared operator/display settings. Verbal activity was also found to be sensitive to information presentation rates. Keywords: Group displays, Command and control, Command centers, Man machine interface, Group decision making, Command control and communications.