Risk-based design tools for process facilities
Process facilities include operations with different levels of risks. Risk-based design
incorporates risk analysis into the design process and thus facilitates discovering design
limitations and making improvements with respect to process safety. This work presents
two risk-based design tools: (i) a hazard identification methodology and (ii) a risk-based
layout optimization technique.
The first tool developed and presented in this research is for dynamic hazard
identification. In risk assessment, the first major step is hazard identification that helps to
unveil what may go wrong during operation of a process. Traditional hazard identification
tools have the limitations of being static in nature; changing circumstances are not
considered in the existing tools. Therefore, the present work develops a new methodology
which realizes hazard identification by tracing hazard evolutions. A generic model is
proposed. The model is dynamic in making predictions for the most likely hazard in terms
of different input evidences based on field observations.
A risk-based design is to design for safety.Means of conducting risk-based design can be
various. The second aspect of this thesis presents a risk-based design method that uses
inherent safety metrics for layout optimization of floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG)
facilities. Layout plays a paramount role in hazard evolution and thus affects the risk of
an operation. Three topside layouts are proposed and evaluated using inherent safety
indices. Finally, a layout is chosen as the most optimal one in terms of layout evaluation
results. In this way, the layout becomes inherently safer and thus brings tremendous
benefits to reducing risks as well as potential loss.