Design and implementation of Bluetooth energy meter

Presently electronics energy measurement is continuously replacing existing technology of electro-mechanical meters especially in China and India. By the year 2004, digital meter has start replacing electromechanical meters in Singapore. A wireless digital energy meter would definitely offer greater convenience to the meter reading task. Bluetooth technology is chosen as a possible wireless solution to this issue. In this paper, we present the design and implementation issues of a Bluetooth-enabled energy meter. The energy reader can collect the energy consumption reading from the energy meter wirelessly based on Bluetooth. Two methods, which can retrieve the meter reading with little human intervention, are proposed and implemented in the targeted applications. They are AMR (automatic meter reading) and the APM (automatic polling mechanism). Few commercial applications are suggested to apply for the Bluetooth-enabled energy meter. We have successfully implemented the Bluetooth-enabled energy meter for these suggested commercial applications to demonstrate the advantage of reading the electricity consumption wirelessly via Bluetooth technology.