High energy multiparticle photoproduction off nuclear targets is studied. The photon is assumed to interact in direct scattering processes or as a resolved q ¯ q-state according to the Generalized Vector Dominance Model. In the description of resolved interactions multiple soft and hard processes in each q ¯ q-nucleon interaction are taken into consideration. The model, formulated within the framework of the two-component Dual Parton Model, is shown to agree with hadron production data from photon-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and photon-nucleus interactions. Differences between multiparticle production in photon-nucleus and hadron-nucleus interactions and features of jet production in photon-nucleus collisions at HERA-energies are discussed.
M. Erdmann.
The Partonic Structure of the Photon: Photoproduction at the Lepton-Proton Collider HERA
A. Białas,et al.
Nuclear beams in HERA
M. Braun,et al.
Diffraction dissociation, an important background to photon-photon collisions via heavy ion beams at LHC
S. D. Ellis,et al.
Toward a standardization of jet definitions
G. Grammer,et al.
Nuclear Shadowing of Electromagnetic Processes
Emilio Segrè,et al.
Nuclei And Particles