Modeling fire growth in a combustible corner

A fire growth model was developed to predict the flame spread and total heat release rate of a fire in a corner configuration with a combustible lining. Input data for the combustible lining were developed using small-scale test data from the ASTM E1354 cone calorimeter and ASTM E1321 LIFT. The fire growth model includes a flame spread model linked with a two zone compartment fire model, CFAST Version 3.1.2. At a user selected time interval, the flame spread model uses the gas temperature from CFAST to predict the heat release rate of the fire at that time interval, and then provides CFAST with a new heat release rate to predict conditions during the next time step. The flame spread model is an improved version of the flat wall flame spread model previously developed for the US Navy. The model is capable of predicting flame spread in a variety of configurations including a flat wall, a corner with a ceiling, flat wall with a ceiling, unconfined ceiling, and parallel walls. The model has been validated against ISO 9705 test data and was used in this study to simulate conditions that develop in three open corner tests each with a different lining material. The model was able to predict the heat release rate of the fire and provide a reasonable estimate of the flame fronts and flame lengths during the growing fire.