Traffic Matrix Prediction Based on Deep Learning for Dynamic Traffic Engineering

Traffic matrix (TM) is a critical information for network operation and management, especially for traffic engineering (TE). Due to the technical and mercantile problems, real time measurement for TM is difficult in large scale networks. In this paper, we focus on predicting TM for dynamic traffic engineering. We propose several TM prediction methods based on Neural Networks (NN) and predict TM from three perspectives: predict the overall TM directly, predict each origin-destination (OD) flow separately and predict the overall TM combined with key element correction. In addition to the prediction accuracy, we evaluate different prediction methods through the performance of TE, as well as the prediction time. We test the proposed methods by real world datasets from Abilene, CERNET and GÉANT. The experiment results show that prediction methods based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) can achieve better prediction accuracy than methods leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Deep Belief Networks (DBN). Predicting each OD flow through RNN models can further improve the prediction accuracy, as well as the performance of TE under the OSPF network scenario, the SDN/OSPF hybrid network scenario and the multi-commodity flow problem scenario. However, it takes longer prediction time for predicting each OD flow sequence. In contrast, predicting the overall TM combined with key element correction can provide a trade-off between the TE results and the prediction overhead, which is more appropriate for dynamic TE in the above three scenarios.

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