Hydrocode를 이용한 격납구조의 대형 민항기 충돌해석
In this paper, the response analysis of RC(Reinforced Concrete), SC(Steel-Plate Concrete) containment buildings subjected to a large aircraft impact is performed using Autodyn-3D as Hydrocode. Until now, the impact Load in the analysis of aircraft impacts has been applied to target structures at the local area by using the impact load-time history function of Riera. However in this paper, the results of aircraft crash are analyzed by using an aircraft model similar to Boeing 767 and verified by comparing the generated history of the aircraft crash against the rigid target with another history by using the Riera's function. To estimate the resistivity of the impact, the response and safety of SC containment buildings, this study is performed by comparing the four cases of plane concrete, reinforced concrete, bonded containment liner plate at reinforced concrete, and SC structure. Thus, the different behaviors between SC and RC structures when they are subjected to the extreme impact load could be anticipated. Consequently, the improved safety is expected by replacing RC structure with SC structure for nuclear power plants.