International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'2006 Two-Level Multiple-Output Combinational Networks Design Web-based Tutoring Tool

Web – based tutoring tool for multiple-output combinational networks design that has graphical user interface is presented in this paper. The tool allows the user to define his / her own task on multi-output combinational circuit design and leads him / her to the right decision. Task’s definition involves functions and arguments number, their names and truth tables of the functions. The tool finds the decision and gives facilities to the user to express its own decision involving minimization of the functions, expressing them analytically and drawing the scheme. On each step of user’s performance the user receives appropriate messages if there is a mistake in the decision. The tool is designed to improve students’ skills in multiple-output schemes design giving them a possibility to practice as much as they want with tasks defined by them. Java programming language has been used. That allows to create the tool as an applet and to incorporate it in a Web document or to use it as a standalone application as well. The tool can be very useful for self-learning, in e-learning, virtual universities and distance education.