MWFT path forward engineering analysis technical Task 3.8, Retrieval sequence

Waste volume projections for the 10-year period ending December 31, 2004 will be used to support the decision of how many waste tanks (if any) should be built by the Multi-Function Waste Tank Facility. Retrieval related assumptions are derived from Tri-Party Agreement milestones and other constraints. Based on the results of an informal sensitivity study, an early retrieval sequence is established. Process facility on-line dates and the interim stabilization (salt-well pumping) schedule are presented. The need for this task as originally defined is waning as the context is rapidly changing and the decision regarding the need for MWTF was made in advance of the task`s results. The assumptions used by this task and results must be reevaluated for the new context before using them as a basis for the next OWVP.