Research on the stability of the users of chair with a spherical base

One of the way to get rid of the spine issues is using chairs with a movable seat. The essence of chairs with a movable seat is to increase the range of motion of pelvis movement. Natural ability to maintain the upright position of the body can cause the increasing of pelvis movement. That requires the involvement of the spine stabilizing muscles. The construction of chairs with a spherical base should provide stability and prevent from slipping away from the chair. At the same time chairs with spherical base should provide mobility to force pelvis movements. We made an ergonomic analysis of chair with spherical base. Studies have determined the stability of the seat and the range of pelvis movements. These measurements used the whole body kinematics. The ergonomic assessment of the spherical seat required investigation to determine the following parameters: center mass displacement, lean of spherical chair and kinematics of the human body.