Managers' Attitudes towards Web and Information Technology: A Study of Public Sector Managers in Jordan

The ongoing pressure on organizations to utilize the Web and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools successfully should be based on a clear understanding of the organizational context including human and technological dimensions. As a part of this understanding, this paper attempts to explore managers' attitudes towards Web and IT. In addition, the relationship between certain demographic characteristics and managers' attitudes is explored. The focus of this paper is Jordanian Governmental Organizations (JGOs) where ICT deployment is seen as a high priority. To achieve this, the Computer Attitudes Scale (CAS), a well developed tool, tested and validated in the educational setting, was used with very minor modifications. A survey approach was utilized which involved the application of a standardized questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis was used to explore patterns of complex multi-dimensional relationships and bivariate approaches for various attitudinal components towards Web and IT and demographic characteristics were used to further analyze the data. The findings revealed that managers were found to have highly favorable attitudes towards Web and IT, additionally, a positive relationship was found between educational level and managers' attitudes towards Web and IT. In contrast, a significantly negative relationship between managers' attitudes and age and organizational experience was found. Finally, no significant relationships were found between managers' attitudes and gender.

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