Impulse response model for the cubicle environments at 60GHz

In order to realize very high throughput wireless local area network (WLAN) systems, which demand multi Gbps capacities/bitrates, IEEE802.11ad (next generation WLAN standard in the 60GHz band) is in the standardization process. To evaluate the physical layer modulation and coding schemes in the standardization process, channel models in each specified environment are required. In this paper, propagation measurements are carried out in a cubicle office environment in the 60GHz band. Two scenarios are conducted for near and far locations from the access point. LOS component and single cluster is found to be a suitable in characterizing propagation signal. Thus suitable statistical channel models are proposed by using measured impulse responses. Each channel model's parameters for two scenarios are extracted by statistical analysis. These channel models are useful for systems design of 60GHz wireless communications.