High-technology i.v. infusion devices.

Some of the newer high-technology infusion devices commercially available or under development are described. The range of infusion devices includes both controllers and pumps; pumps can be classified by mechanism of operation (peristaltic, syringe, cassette, elastomeric reservoir), frequency or type of drug delivery (continuous or intermittent infusion, bolus dosing, single- or multiple-solution delivery), or therapeutic application (such as the patient-controlled analgesia, or PCA, pump). Advances in infusion technology and computer technology have led to the development of devices with extremely sophisticated drug-delivery capabilities (multiple-rate or multiple-solution programming, operation as pump or controller, or both, and interchangeable applications and settings). Current research in infusion-device technology is focusing on implantable pumps, pumps with chronobiological applications, osmotic-pressure devices, and open- and closed-loop systems. Pharmacists need to keep abreast of the rapidly changing intravenous device marketplace to provide clinical expertise and leadership in the review and evaluation of high-technology drug delivery systems.