This paper provides a status of the RADARSAT-2 system and operations performance, describes significant changes implemented over the last year, and also provides further detail of some of the data and value-added product delivery achievements demonstrating the utility of the RADARSAT-2 system. The status of the spacecraft and ground segment is reviewed along with related performance metrics and recent history. Status of the system operations functional areas - Operations Management and Mission System Engineering, Order Handling and Mission Planning, Spacecraft Operations, and Data Handling is summarized. The MDA GSI RADAR Production team had a record production year in 2010, which included preparation of an Antarctica mosaic as well as products to service several large area DEM projects. The performance results are summarized. A number of system upgrade and improvement initiatives have been underway during the routine phase of the mission. Several of these have now been completed. The paper provides further information on the details of these enhancements and their implementation. Outline planning for further system and operations enhancements are summarized.