Mechanisms are means of power transmission as well as motion transformers. A fourbar mechanism consists mainly of four planar links connected with four revolute joints. The input is usually given as rotary motion of a link and output can be obtained from the motion of another link or a coupler point. Straight line motion from a four bar linkages has been used in several ways as in a dwell mechanism and as a linkage to vehicle suspension. This paper studies the straight line motion obtained from planar four-bar mechanisms and optimizes the design to produce the maximized straight line portion of the couplerpoint curve. The equations of motion for four different four-bar mechanisms will be derived and dimensional requirements for these mechanisms will be obtained in order to produce the straight line motion. A numerical procedure will be studied and computer codes that generate the coupler curves will be presented. Following the numerical results study, a synthesis procedure will be given to help a designer in selecting the optimized straight line motion based on design criteria. CONTENTS 1 . Introduction 1 2. Mechanism And Its Components 6 3. Four-BarMechanism And Its Classifications 1 0 4. Special Four-Bar Linkages For Approximate Straight Line Output 1 9 5. Position Analysis Of A Basic Four-Bar Mechanism 28 6. Equation Of Coupler Curve For A Generic Four-Bar Linkage 35 7. Four-Bar Linkages That Generate Symmetrical Coupler Curves 38 8. Analysis Of Four-Bar Linkages Generating Straight Line Coupler Curves 47 9. Numerical Generation of Coupler Point Curves 58 10. Synthesis Procedure For Designing A Four Bar Linkage 68
John A. Hrones,et al.
Analysis of the Four-Bar Linkage: Its Application to the Synthesis of Mechanisms
Hamilton Horth Mabie,et al.
Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery
Deane Lent,et al.
Analysis and Design of Mechanisms
D. C. Tao,et al.
Applied linkage synthesis
Ferdinand Freudenstein,et al.
Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages
L Burmester,et al.
Lehrbuch der Kinematik