Image Acquisition and Visualisation in DOOCS and EPICS Environments

The High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments, due to their large scale, required performance and precision, have to be controlled by complex, distributed control systems. The systems are responsible for processing thousands of signals from various sensors of different types. Very often, one of the data sources applied in such systems are visible light/infrared cameras or other imaging sensors, which provide substantial information about studied phenomena. High data throughput for camera systems require dedicated mechanisms for data collecting and processing. Moreover, the images from cameras should be also available to system operator. It needs the support from both operator panels interface and control application which should provide data in the dedicated format. The paper presents two different approaches to image distribution, processing and visualisation applied in distributed control systems. Discussed is the issue of support for cameras and image data implemented in the Distributed Object Oriented Control System (DOOCS) and an example control system designed to the needs of image acquisition system on the base of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) environment.