ICT and environmental support for patients with frailty syndrome: Carewell Project, Focus Project and SUNFRAIL Project.

Jerzy Piotrowicz1 e,f Aneta Soll2,3 e,f Urszula Kielar4 e,f antoni zwiefka4 e,f Agnieszka guligowska5 e,f Małgorzata Pigłowska5 e,f tomasz Kostka5 e,f Donata Kurpas2,3 e,f 1 autumn People foundation, Poland 2 family Medicine department, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland 3 Nursing faculty, Opole Medical School, Poland 4 Marshal Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, Poland 5 geritarics Clinic, Medical University of Lodz, Poland