Medical Genetics: Principles and Practice
Part 1 Heredity and disease: heritability of diseases and traits chromosomal basis of heredity clinical consequences of autosomal chromosome abnormalities sex chromosomes ans their abnormalities genetic basis of heredity biochemical genetics molecular genetics selected mendelian diseases mapping the human genome genetic variation in human populations the genetics of development and maldevelopment multifactorial inheritance some malformations and diseases determined by multifactorial inheritance nontraditional inheritance. Part 2 Special topics: prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases human teratology dermatoglyphics immunogenetics blood groups and serum proteins somatic cell genetics genetics and cancer genetics of behaviour cardiovascular disease pharmacogenetics normal traits twins and their use in genetics syndromology genetic counselling. Appendix A: High resolution chromosome banding and morbid anatomy of the human genome. Appendix B: Selected sources of information on medical genetics and general genetics.