CASINO: A new monte Carlo code in C language for electron beam interactions—part III: Stopping power at low energies

This paper is a description of the stopping power routine utilized in the CASINO program that is based on the experimental measurement of the energy loss function (ELF). In addition, we present an ANSI C standard program that can be used to generate the data needed for the stopping power routine. Both optical and energy loss spectrum (ELS) measurements of the ELF can be used as input to compute the stopping power. For ELS, only the single scattering spectrum is needed. Hence, measurement of the stopping power for a given element or compound of interest can easily be performed and used in the CASINO program. The resulting effect of using these stopping powers in Monte Carlo simulations is generally to increase the backscattering coefficient. Except for carbon, the change of stopping power for pure elements so far compiled is relatively small. In some compounds (i.e., Al2O3 and ZnSe), the discrepancy with the Joy and Luo (1989) expression is significant.