Dietary fat and an exogenous emulsifier increase the gastrointestinal absorption of a major soybean allergen, Gly m Bd 30K, in mice.

The mechanisms by which food allergens are absorbed and sensitized via the gastrointestinal tract have not been well characterized. In this study, the gastrointestinal absorption of a major soybean allergen, Gly m Bd 30K, in young and older mice, and the effects of dietary fat and exogenous emulsifier were investigated. In Expt. 1, Gly m Bd 30K [0, 500 or 2000 mg/kg body weight (BW)] was administered orally to 24-d-old mice, and blood was sampled at various time points over a 120-min period. Plasma Gly m Bd 30K was measured by sandwich ELISA and immunoblotting. Its concentration peaked at 30 min and was dose dependent. Intact Gly m Bd 30K and its 20-kDa fragments were identified in plasma after absorption. In Expt. 2, 24-d-old mice administered soy milk containing 1 mg Gly m Bd 30K showed a steady increase in plasma Gly m Bd 30K from 60 to 120 min that was significantly higher than that in 10-wk-old mice. In Expt. 3, when corn oil (5 or 30%) was coadministered with Gly m Bd 30K (2000 mg/kg BW) to 24-d-old mice, the plasma concentration increased significantly and generally reached a plateau after 30 min. The absorption after the coadministration of 30% corn oil and 3% sucrose fatty acid ester was higher than after the administration of 30% corn oil alone. Intact Gly m Bd 30K and its fragments that were < 20 kDa survived digestion and were absorbed into the blood. We propose that absorption was enhanced by fat carrier-mediated transport.

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