Green Capacited Vehicles Routing Optimization with Constraints Rule-Based Approach
A large quantity of air pollution is caused by the combustion of fuel. The Green Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem (GCVRP) is an extension of Vehicle Touring (VRP) that aims to minimize fuel or CO2 emissions or fuel consumption instead of total distance or with it in case of bi-objective optimization. The objective of the present work is to resolve the GCVRP with heterogeneous vehicles through a rule-based approach combined to an oriented object design. This technique using an existing environment that is Optaplanner. The modularity of the environment separates design and heuristics such as tabu search in java, rules and objective function in drools language, heuristics’ setting in xml from data and results in excel files. Moreover, it appears very useful to the resolution of the Green Capacited Vehicles Routing Problem. In this paper, the resolution was investigated on a customized Belgic dataset taken from an existing benchmark. The instance contains 50 cities. The final project will allow the reusability and the flexibility to add easily soft and hard constraints depending on the case study.
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