Distribution theory and Fourier analysis
I. Test Functions.- Summary.- 1.1. A review of Differential Calculus.- 1.2. Existence of Test Functions.- 1.3. Convolution.- 1.4. Cutoff Functions and Partitions of Unity.- Notes.- II. Definition and Basic Properties of Distributions.- Summary.- 2.1. Basic Definitions.- 2.2. Localization.- 2.3. Distributions with Compact Support.- Notes.- III. Differentiation and Multiplication by Functions.- Summary.- 3.1. Definition and Examples.- 3.2. Homogeneous Distributions.- 3.3. Some Fundamental Solutions.- 3.4. Evaluation of Some Integrals.- Notes.- IV. Convolution.- Summary.- 4.1. Convolution with a Smooth Function.- 4.2. Convolution of Distributions.- 4.3. The Theorem of Supports.- 4.4. The Role of Fundamental Solutions.- 4.5. Basic Lp Estimates for Convolutions.- Notes.- V. Distributions in Product Spaces.- Summary.- 5.1. Tensor Products.- 5.2. The Kernel Theorem.- Notes.- VI. Composition with Smooth Maps.- Summary.- 6.1. Definitions.- 6.2. Some Fundamental Solutions.- 6.3. Distributions on a Manifold.- 6.4. The Tangent and Cotangent Bundles.- Notes.- VII. The Fourier Transformation.- Summary.- 7.1. The Fourier Transformation in ? and in ?'.- 7.2. Poisson's Summation Formula and Periodic Distributions.- 7.3. The Fourier-Laplace Transformation in ?'.- 7.4. More General Fourier-Laplace Transforms.- 7.5. The Malgrange Preparation Theorem.- 7.6. Fourier Transforms of Gaussian Functions.- 7.7. The Method of Stationary Phase.- 7.8. Oscillatory Integrals.- 7.9. H(s), Lp and Holder Estimates.- Notes.- VIII. Spectral Analysis of Singularities.- Summary.- 8.1. The Wave Front Set.- 8.2. A Review of Operations with Distributions.- 8.3. The Wave Front Set of Solutions of Partial Differential Equations.- 8.4. The Wave Front Set with Respect to CL.- 8.5. Rules of Computation for WFL.- 8.6. WFL for Solutions of Partial Differential Equations.- 8.7. Microhyperbolicity.- Notes.- IX. Hyperfunctions.- Summary.- 9.1. Analytic Functionals.- 9.2. General Hyperfunctions.- 9.3. The Analytic Wave Front Set of a Hyperfunction.- 9.4. The Analytic Cauchy Problem.- 9.5. Hyperfunction Solutions of Partial Differential Equations.- 9.6. The Analytic Wave Front Set and the Support.- Notes.- Exercises.- Answers and Hints to All the Exercises.- Index of Notation.