Optimal Routing and Uncertainty Processing using Geographical Information for e-Logistics Chain Execution
The integrated supply chain of business partners for e-Commerce in cyber space is defined as Logistics Chain if the cooperative activities are logistics-related. Logistics Chain could be managed effectively and efficiently by cooperative technologies of logistics chain execution. In this paper, we propose a routing and scheduling algorithm based on the Tabu search by adding geographical information into existing constraint for pick-up and delivery process to minimize service time and cost in logistics chain. And, we also consider an uncertainty processing for the tracing of moving object to control pick-up and delivery vehicles based on GPS/GIS/ITS. Uncertainty processing is required to minimize amount of telecommunication and database on vehicles tracing. Finally, we describe the Logistics Chain Execution (LCE) system to perform plan and control activities for postal logistics chain. To evaluate practical effects of the routing and scheduling system, we perform a pretest for the performance of the tabu search algorithm. And then we compare our result with the result of the pick-up and delivery routing plan generated manually by postmen.