Adolescent trolling in online environments: a brief overview
Over the last couple of years there has been increasing media coverage about trolling among teenagers. The term ‘troll’ appears to have originated from a method of fishing, where an individual would fish by trailing a baited line behind a boat. However, many Internet users often use the description of being a ‘troll’ as a mythological creature that hides under bridges, waiting for an opportunity to pounce (Herring, Job - Sluder, Scheckler and Barab, 2002). With the latter definition, one can see the comparison with the modern day world with hiding under bridges being the online world waiting for an opportunity that may warrant a troll to take action. With the first definition, it is clear that casting a baited line as a form of provoking individuals into some form of emotional response. This article briefly examines a growing phenomenon – trolling by adolescents.